I will be keeping a record of the stats for this pg. like I did with Kyle's. You can always locate the link to it in the sidebar on the left.
7/30/10- found out we're pg again- kids will be 20 mo. apart.
9/15/10- 12 weeks, +4lb pre-pg, hb 160's.
10/15/20- 16 weeks, +9lbs, hb high 140's to low 150's., Vit. D low- have to start taking supplements. Slightly low platelets, will monitor.
Big U/S scheduled for 10/29- Ben's birthday!
10/29/10- It's a boy!! Baby looks healthy. No anterior placenta this time. Cervix is 3.5cm
11/12/10- 20 weeks appt. +14lbs pre pg. hb in the 150's. Platelets went up, thyroid levels stabilized.
12/10/10- 24 week appt. +20lbs pre pg., hb in the 140's, measuring 25cm. Midwife not going to subject me to horrid 1 hr. glucose test yay! Just get blood drawn 2 hrs. after meal of my choice, will check vit. D, antibodies, and thyroid levels again. Rhogam shot at next appt.
1/5/11- 28 week appt. +25lb pre pg., hb in the 130's-140's, measuring 28cm. Thyroid is low again...waiting to hear from Endo. about it., have to go back for Rhogam shot, they were out of it. Appt's every 2 weeks now.
1/19/11- 30 week appt. +25lbs pre pg, hb 145, 30 cm, bp 120/82.
2/4/11- 32 week appt. +29lbs pre pg., hb 133-140, 31cm, bp 114/??. Gor thyroid bw redone, waiting on results. if TSH is lower, may go on meds for hyperthyroidism.
2/17/11- 34 week appt + 30lbs pre pg, hb 130's, bp 116/76, thyroid levels staying the same, just keep getting bw checked every few months, fundal height 34cm.
3/2/11- 36 week appt. + 28.5lbs pre pg, hb 120's, bp 122/86, fundal height 36cm, 1cm dialated, 50% effaced, -2 station.
3/8/11- 37 week appt.
Park City Utah
2 years ago
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