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Saturday, May 15, 2010

10 Months

Kyle you are 10 months old today. Here's what you're doing.

You weighed 15.6 lb at your Dr. appt 3 weeks ago and were 28 in long.

You wear size 9 month and some 12 month clothes and are in size 3 diapers and size 2 shoes

You have 5 teeth (3 on top, 2 on bottom) with another top one on the way

You went swimming in grandma's pool this month already and loved it. We bought you a fund little floating thing that you have fun in.

We also stopped giving you purees, and you got sick of finger foods like just cooked vegggies so we moved on to real food! I think you were just bored and wanted more flavors. Your favorite thing for breakfast is whole wheat waffles with yogurt and blueberries. You also like lasagna, cheese noodles, and today I made you an almond butter and applesauce sandwich you loved! We were going to try and not give you wheat or corn till your b-day since both your grandma's have allergies to them but you just wanted more food so we let you try bread and other things and so far you seem ok. You also liked the yummy omelet daddy made the other morning.

You can walk only holding on to one of our hands which is prety cool.

You have been saying "mama" more and can say "dada" when you want to.

You are getting so big. You are getting more hair and everyone comments on how you look like a little boy now and not a baby.

We love you Kyle Bug .

With your grandma before she leaves for vacation (she wanted a picture so you don't forget her)

Eating Lasagna. Yum!

With your best buddy Brandon and the museum

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