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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

27 weeks

27 weeks with Kyle and then with Little Bean...I like how round my belly gets around now.

Wow are we really at 27 weeks already?? I can't believe it!

How big is baby? Almost 2 lbs. and around 14" long
Weight gained? 20lbs +

Symptoms? My back hurts so much. I try to wear my support belt when I'm on my feet as much as possible. It's so much harder this time with having to carry around a 25lb boy on top of the 20lbs I've gained. Thank goodness for my chiropractor.

Movement: This baby moves so much it's crazy. I don't know if it's just cause I can feel it more this time, or if he actually is more active than Kyle...makes me scared to know how active he might be when he's older...Kyle is already so busy!! LOL. He doesn't get hiccups as much as Kyle did.

Cravings: Oh Christmas food was so yummy. I'm sure I've gained 10lbs in the last month just from all the good food. I'm already guessing this baby will be more than the 8lbs Kyle was.

Dr's appts: Next Wed. Getting my bloodwork done Wed.
Best moment of the week: Realizing this time around I already feel like Little Bean is part of our family, just not big enough to be on the outside yet. I was rocking Kyle when he woke up in the middle of the night and I felt like I was rocking both my babies.



two red heads and two brunettes said...

I love the last part how you were rocking both boys. SO cute. And you are like the cutest prego lady ever!

Meggers said...

You're wearing your sweater dress! It looks so cute on your! :)