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Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

20 months

Another month has flown by and Kyle you are already 20 months old! In just 4 short months we will be having your 2nd birthday party...crazy!

Here are the highlights of who you are right now.

Talking: Your favorite words are "no" and "more" (thought it sounds more like "moy"). It's funny cause you will se "no, no, no" to yourself when you're going to do something you're not supposed to, or when somethings happening you don't like...it's really cute most of the time.

Food: You are eating better...I actually got you to eat a carrot stick today. Besides you not liking veggies much, you eat alot of good food like fruit, yogurt, cheese, and most meat.

You are in 24 month and 2t clothes and size 6 shoes...still size 4 diapers.


1 comment:

Coach Mom said...

He is so adorable!

My 2nd and 3rd kids are 20 months apart. That is a nice age span. They are great friends.