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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

36 Week appt 1 day before 37 weeks

Well today was my 36 weeks appt. and tomorrow I'm 37 weeks! Yay for full term!

Total weight gain/loss: 31 lbs though I think a few of that was water weight
BP: 100/67
Fundal height: 36cm
Heartrate: 130bpm
Maternity clothes? they suck and don't cover up my belly that has recently dropped.
Stretch marks? yep, the ones from puberty on my hips have grown and I have a few faint ones that are under my belly that I can only see in the mirror.
Sleep: My hips hurt so it's hard sometimes.
Best moment this week: My appt today!
Movement: He's a little wiggle worm sometimes, he just can't get comfortable as he's running out of room.
Food cravings: BBQ sandwhich
Gender: little boy
Labor Signs: Crampy and Braxton Hicks, 2cm dialated and 50% effaced!
Button in or out? It sticks out a little but not as much as it could
What I miss: feeling pretty and fitting in my clothes
What I am looking forward to: having him here!
Milestones: Tomorrow I'm full term.

AND- she thinks he's 5 1/2 to 5lbs 13oz.


Tania said...

I understand that it is hard to feel pretty when you are 300 years pregnant.. but just remember, you are BEAUTIFUL! You are a mommy! In your hubby's eyes, I bet you are more beautiful to him than ever!!! I can't wait till the "big day"!!! Remember.. we get in town next monday! Help a girl out here!! :)

Coach Mom said...

You are 2cm already? I'm jealous! My body never got an early start. I hope this is a sign that things are going to go real smooth for you! You look fantastic, by the way!