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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A note to myself for next time

I just want to write this note to myself to hide away for the next child I have...

Wonder Week 26 has been the hardest so far. Kyle will not nap, and a few days ago he was hating to nurse. He just wants to play all day, yet get's tired and still needs his 3 naps. I want to remind myself that this is just a short period and it will not last. I want to remember to stick to the schedule that worked so wonderfully just a week ago...it's not me, it's nothing I'm doing wrong, it's just all the new things that Kyle is learning. So when I'm at my wits end trying to figure out why this kid won't sleep when he's exhausted and I've analyzed his wake time lengths, and his schedule to pieces, I want to remember that it's not me, and this stormy week or two will pass and there will be sunshine again.

Just look forward to the sunshine :) The sun will come out tomorrow!


AJU5's Mom said...

Does he like his stroller? I think that was about the time I started taking AJU5 for walks around nap time because I was guaranteed to get her to sleep.

Coach Mom said...

Yes, keep up that sunny attitude! You are doing great. There is never a dull moment in motherhood. As soon as we have a nice routine worked out to our liking, the little one changes it up on us! Its always something...blame genetics or environment...but know that you are doing your best, and that IS good enough, because you are the best Mom for your child.