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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

32 week appt

Wow...two weeks has already flown by! I hope the weeks continue to do that!
Weight- +24 lbs pre-preg. (+4 lbs in 2 weeks)
BP- 100/70 (crazy i know!)
Fundal Height- 34 in! (crazy growth spurt)
Heartrate: 138
Position: Still head down! Good baby Kyle.
I've been having heart palpitations the last few weeks...found out it's normal in pregnancy because my heart is pushed up. As long as I'm not passing out or getting dizzy and it's not constant it's okay. MIL suggested eating more salt.
Other than that things are perfect. Found out they won't induce unless I'm like 2 weeks over, so that's good. I really want to avoid pitocin. Next appt at 34 weeks on June 17.


AJU5's Mom said...

My doctor didn't even mention it until five days before I was due - and then it was just to see what my feelings were about it (I said we just wanted the baby before the new year, which was exactly 42 weeks).

Hope Kyle keeps behaving!

Tania said...

ya... with all 3 of my boys... within the week of due, the dr. suggested inducing.. and I went into labor within 48 hours.. it was crazy.. every time it was threatened, my body did its own thing! Course, still had C-Sec with Ethan.. but he is just stubborn.. don't know where he gets THAT from!