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Monday, February 15, 2010

7 Months

Kyle and Brandon playing

Kyle today you are 7 months!
This month has gone by the fastest by far and I don't know why.

What are you up to this month?
You want to crawl SO bad. You lean over to get things from sitting up and go onto your tummy but then get mad because you kick your legs and move your arms but can't get anywhere. I hope you figure it out soon so you won't get so upset.

You are eating lots of solids now. You really like peas and mango...but not green beans so I sneak them into your peas sometimes.

Your naps and sleeping are going much better the last few weeks. We stopped feeding you in the middle of the night when you woke up and now you sleep right through (you make up for it during the day of course). You still take 3 naps a day and even moved to a 4 hour schedule with no problem!

We thought we might have to take your paci away because you won't go back to sleep without it, but you just started finding it yourself and putting it back in your mouth so we're going to let you keep it for now.

You are still a very happy baby, and super cute- everyone always ooohs and aaahs at you at the grocery store, and you like the attention.

This month you also got another tooth! So you are up to two now. Still hardly any hair though, but that's ok.
We also get together with your friend Brandon and his mommy Monica and you have lots of fun together.

1 comment:

AJU5's Mom said...

He is getting so big! Any minute now he will be getting into everything, and the real fun begins!